OK Exchange users, please pay attention! 5 million gone in 15 minutes? How to protect your cryptocurrency?

During the Dragon Boat Festival two days ago, a netizen posted online that all his assets in OK were stolen by hackers, including his life savings. In just 15 minutes, assets worth nearly 5 million yuan were gone.

After the post, there were more than one incident, and other netizens echoed and were also attacked by hackers, causing varying degrees of asset losses.

At present, the incident has attracted the attention of OK officials, and they have contacted the victim, saying that if it is finally determined to be the responsibility of the platform, the platform will take the initiative to assume responsibility.

So how should we protect our crypto assets? Here are three suggestions for you

First: Don't put your eggs in the same basket, you can diversify your choices. For example, Binance, Ouyi, decentralized exchanges, decentralized wallets, large amounts of funds should not be placed in a single exchange, which is easy to become a target of hackers.

Second: More rules, less trouble. It is precisely this kind of fear of trouble, more procedures and verification practices that lay hidden dangers for yourself in the later stage.

Third: Get rid of the mentality of taking advantage. For example, some people like to short, take advantage of the market, or click on some links, web pages, download some apps, small exchanges, thinking that they don't pay anything and can get some benefits. It is precisely because of this small action that you suffer huge losses. Scammers use people's psychology of taking advantage to do various activities. In fact, they are targeting your principal assets. Once the time is right, they will not leave you a penny.

The cognition of all aspects of this industry determines our results. From the three suggestions of this incident, we can deepen our understanding of transactions, and the same is true. For example, don't be sure to go all in on a certain coin, be very sure of a certain event, etc.

Always guard against low-probability events. Low-probability events do not happen often, but once they happen, they are fatal. The currency circle is not about how much you make from a transaction, but about who can survive for a long time and make profits steadily and continuously. A little bit makes a lot, and a drop of water can wear a stone. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #美联储何时降息?