Inventory of spot stocks worth entering now

We have shared some of them before. If you are interested, you can check out the previous articles!

The main layout is still based on new coins that have not experienced the last bull market!

1.EDU is the leader in education, with a high potential for a market value of 10 billion. It rose to 1.2 in the previous round and fell to 0.68 in this round. It is a good opportunity to get on board!

2.Ldo is the big brother of Ethereum pledge. It issued STETH, which accounts for 10% of the total amount of Ethereum. It has a high potential for a market value of 10 billion. It rose to 2.7 in the previous round and the current decline to 1.85 is also an opportunity to get on board!

3.nfp is a triple aggregation of ai + nft + binance ieo. It also has the potential of 10 billion, and the current price is also very suitable. It rose to 0.6 in the previous round, and the current position of 0.41 can also get on board!

4.cake is the leader of Binance Chain decentralized exchange. The total amount has been deflationary. After the previous round of sharing, it rose to 3.28. The current decline to 2.58 gives everyone the opportunity to get on board again!

5.pyth is a new big brother in the oracle sector. The difference is that it directly cooperates with the market makers of the head exchanges to share data. When I shared it before, I felt that it was too high and did not give everyone a position to enter the market. The current round of decline has a strong response. The current price is 0.38. It is recommended to get on board!

6.Rad is a high-quality player in the technical sector. The price shared before was 1.67 and then rose to 2 yuan. It has now fallen back to 1.54 and gives enough opportunities to get on board again!

Don’t chase highs, don’t take over, wait for opportunities if there is no opportunity, copy to an ideal bottom, leave it alone, and don’t move, the band is easy to fly!

There are too many to mention one by one. You can click to follow and read the high-quality currencies shared before. Good articles will also be shared every day!

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? $EDU $LDO $NFP