Now I have 20,000 yuan to enter the cryptocurrency circle. What is the most profitable way to stock up spot goods in ten warehouses?

20,000 yuan for what? I will give you suggestions by dividing it into 20,000 RMB and 20,000 dollars.

2WRMB is not much. If you can take out this money, it means that you don’t have much money, and you should be a new entrant: it is recommended to divide it into two parts, one to buy BTC on dips, just buy BTC. The other part buys BTC ecology, inscriptions (recommended btcs) and runes (recommended X) are all OK, and hold it until the bull market. Remember, it must be BTC ecology from this year to next year.

If it is 20,000 dollars, it means that you have an opinion. It is recommended to divide it into several parts. You can decide the amount yourself: one BTC+BTC ecology (inscriptions+runes), one sol ecology, one BNB ecology, and all the coins held should not exceed 10.

There are a few more small suggestions:

1. Your money must be money you can afford to lose, that is, even if it returns to zero, it will not have a big impact on you;

2. All the news you read that tells you that XX coin can rise by 100 should not be touched. The currency circle only looks at your inner circle (if not, just chase BTC). Those that can be released to ordinary people are all fake, remember!

3. For any coin you buy, it is best not to move 95% of it, that is, hoard it, and then if it rises to about 5 times, run the principal; if it keeps falling, make up for it once it doubles, or simply don't move it.

4. Don't do contracts! Don't do asset pledges! If you want to play contracts, wait until you have been in the circle for 3 years and someone is leading you.

5. Don't do contracts but hoard coins. 95% of the time is waiting. Time is your friend, remember!

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to find the God of Wealth, and the skirt will publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day.

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