Odaily Planet Daily News: On June 11, the Mining Gala, jointly initiated by Bitcoin's native second-layer network Bitlayer and seven ecological projects including Lorenzo, Bitsmiley, Avalon, Bitcow, Pell, Enzo and Bitparty, has officially ended. According to official website data, the total locked value (TVL) on the Bitlayer chain reached as high as 450 million US dollars. During the first mining festival, this indicator increased by 346 million US dollars. Among them, the top five projects in TVL were Avalon, Pell, bitCow, bitSmiley and Enzo. In addition, the number of followers of this first mining festival exceeded 303,000. During the event, the number of followers of the social accounts of the co-sponsors increased by an average of 50,000, and the average number of new user addresses on the 7 project chains exceeded 15,000. In addition to providing users with project token airdrops with a total value of more than 24.35 million US dollars, the co-sponsors of this first mining festival also promised to distribute 100% of the Bitlayer gems they won in the Bitlayer Dapp list competition to users. Currently, eligible users have minted the Bitlayer First Mining Festival Mining Pioneer exclusive badge for the corresponding project for free, which can be exchanged for Bitlayer ecological rights in the future. For more information about the Bitlayer First Mining Festival event, please see the original link.