Odaily Planet Daily News Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko published an article on X saying that the solution to MEV is simple - let each user have his own block producer (node) and produce blocks by himself. In this way, each user can ensure that there will be no unexpected MEV when submitting transactions, but in reality this is impossible because we cannot support tens of thousands of block producers online at the same time, let alone achieve time slots of less than 100 milliseconds worldwide. So what is the suboptimal solution? The answer is to maximize competition among existing block producers and let users choose which block producer they want to package their transactions. This is still an engineering problem, but it is not impossible to achieve. The more block producers are scheduled per second, the shorter the time users have to wait for the best packaging offer. Reducing block intervals, parallel processing, faster node rotation, etc. can improve this situation. The market will make choices on these issues, and the important thing is that users need to be willing to submit their transactions to this type of block auction.