Original | Odaily Planet Daily

Author | Azuma

On the evening of June 10th, Beijing time, Uniswap Labs officially announced that it had completed the acquisition of Crypto:The Game (CTG), an interactive crypto survival game based on the Base blockchain. The specific amount was not disclosed. The three co-founders of CTG, Dylan Abruscato, Tyler Cagle and Bryan Lee, will all join Uniswap to jointly promote the development of CTG's third season game.

From the perspective of positioning, CTG is a "battle royale" type game based on blockchain. You can simply understand it as a "Hunger Games" or "Squid Games" on the chain.

In CTG, players need to purchase tickets to obtain a limited number of game participation qualifications (410 people in the first season, 800 people in the second season, and undetermined for the third season). Tickets are in the form of NFTs, with an initial sale price of 0.1 ETH, and free trading is allowed in the future - this means that players can indirectly obtain participation qualifications through the secondary market, including those who hope to "come back" after being eliminated.

After the game starts, players holding NFT tickets will be randomly assigned to 10 different tribes, and then the battle royale officially begins.

During the game (with a maximum time limit of 10 days to ensure the game ends in time), all players will conduct daily "immunity challenges" as tribes. The challenges come in various forms (such as arcade games or treasure hunts, etc.). The tribe with the highest challenge points each day will usher in "Christmas Eve" (that is, everyone is safe), while other tribes must vote internally to eliminate one player.

When talking about the voting screening criteria, a real player who has participated in the game once told UnChained: "We consider a variety of factors when deciding to vote someone out, such as whether the X account associated with the player looks like a robot, or how active the player is in the team chat, or even whether the NFT avatar chosen by the player is likable - in my tribe, a Moonbird NFT holder was voted out right away."

When eliminated, the NFT ticket held by the player will also change - from a player to a jury to vote on the final winner within the last day of the longest game time limit. The winner will ultimately enjoy all the money in the prize pool.

In the past few months, CTG has successfully held two seasons of games. In the first season, 410 players participated in the game, with a total prize pool of 41 ETH, and an anonymous player named MFL won. In the second season, 800 players participated in the game, with a total prize pool of 80 ETH, and the 733rd player won.

When discussing his winning experience, MFL told Decrypt that he believed most other players were smarter than him. Since he did not form a private alliance, he initially expected that he would be eliminated early, so his attitude towards this game was to "enjoy the game", such as making some funny emojis for other players or writing poems to express his views on the game.

However, the reality is that MFL did not receive a single elimination ticket from beginning to end and eventually won the grand prize. CTG co-founder Dylan Abruscato said that MFL's behavior won the favor of other players in the game, and it turned out to be a successful strategy.

In short, the fun of CTG lies in its good combination of competitiveness and human nature. Another very important point is that CTG will explain the real-time daily game situation through the form of official podcasts to fully mobilize the emotions of external audiences, amplify the discussion on social media, and then build momentum for the game.

Back to Uniswap, as the absolute leader in the DeFi field, Uniswap has also expanded its business in other non-DeFi fields in the past, such as acquiring the NFT aggregation trading platform Genie and developing its own mobile wallet services, but it is the first time to extend its tentacles directly into the gaming field (there have been some indirect cooperation cases before).

When talking about the transaction, Uniswap described it this way: “This year has been a very busy year for Uniswap. We released UniswapX, submitted v4, launched the Uniswap wallet, added support for more chains, and we have more plans. Uniswap’s goal has always been simple - to build products that provide users with the best on-chain experience. That’s why we are very happy to welcome CTG to join.”

As for whether Uniswap’s entry will affect CTG’s game mechanics, Uniswap also explained that fans don’t need to worry, the game mechanics will not change, but there will be some new designs. The specific content cannot be revealed too much, but it is believed that the third season will be the best season so far.