PANews reported on June 11 that LayerZero co-founder and CEO Bryan Pellegrino shared their extensive considerations on user qualifications on Twitter. Pellegrino said that their goal is to ensure that real users can get the fairest and broadest distribution, with a special focus on highly aligned and persistent user groups.

According to Pellegrino's tweet, there are currently 6 million initial wallets, of which 3 million wallets have less than 5 transactions, so 3 million wallets are actually considered. All transactions with a value of less than $1 will be reduced by 80%, but still counted as one-fifth of a normal transaction. All "valueless NFT" transactions will also be reduced by 80%, but still counted as one-fifth of a normal transaction (in this case, valueless is defined as a value listed on the market of less than 0.00001 ETH or a very small transaction volume). These measures solve most of the problems of inorganic network spam, which have basically disappeared after the snapshot.

Additionally, Pellegrino mentioned that Gas-Drop counts as valid transactions and regulates transactions based on protocol-specific fees (rather than fees on the underlying blockchain the transaction is on). Minimum and maximum values ​​will serve as eligibility criteria, and early adopters, persistent users, liquidity providers, etc. will be rewarded, with the goal of achieving the fairest and best distribution of the protocol.