Happycoin.club - According to analysts of the Lookonchain platform, an unknown trader was able to earn over $4 million in just four months. From February 24 to March 1, 2024, the trader spent 2.13 ETH ($6,758 at that time) to purchase 20.95 billion Kendu memcoins.

To date, he has retained the assets on his balance sheet, and they are now valued at more than $4.03 million, according to the DeBank portal. Thus, he managed to increase his initial investment by 619 times in four months.

Lookonchain experts noted that the trader also operates other memecoins, including NITEFEEDER, MEGA, FOFAR, Saylor, MILEI, ?TV.

In the last few months, as Lookonchain experts note, a number of traders and investors have earned multi-million dollar fortunes in a short period of time, thanks to investments in certain memecoins and tokens.

In fact, this is an exception to the rule, while the vast majority of transactions are made and closed for much smaller amounts.

Nevertheless, such examples can be considered clear examples of the fact that with a favorable combination of market circumstances, some luck, and, possibly, insider information, you can make a fortune in a short period of time.