It is obvious that today's market is in a state of sideways repair, and the volatility is not particularly large. The long orders arranged last night also successfully stopped profit of 500 points, and Ethereum simultaneously took 34 points of space. It can only be said that we should follow the rhythm of the second uncle and play slowly. There is no problem with the turnover. The current price ratio is around 69500.

From the hourly line, the shorts have been exploring the bottom near 69000, which is a very strong support level. Our short orders in the afternoon only took a small profit of nearly 300 points. Stop profit means making money. At present, the longs continue to increase in volume. From the MACD line, the big positive column will definitely move tonight. We can mainly participate in the big cake at night with low long.

Big cake idea: more near 69000, target 70500#美联储利率决策即将公布 $BTC