Once the bull market enters the middle stage, seeing the market has a money-making effect, new investors will enter the market in large amounts; (unlike old investors) and in the late stage of the bull market, new investors will be very inflated, some will speculate with leverage, some will borrow money to speculate in stocks, some will sell houses to speculate in stocks, and there will be a lot of them; once the bull market ends and starts to fall, new investors will be no exception, some will be stuck, some will be sold at a loss; Now I suggest that everyone reduce operations! Observation: AUDIO, OM, BLZ, POLYX, ROSE... As I said, I am currently planning some good currencies at this stage. Friends who are interested and want to witness the strength can join the team for free by deducting 8 in the comment area! I will not let fans miss out in this bull market! #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期