Novices: They often go in and out of the exchange frequently, staring at the screen all the time. Once they buy a certain currency and it does not rise within five minutes, they will feel anxious, begin to question the investment value of this currency, and quickly sell it. Then, they will rush to find the next target, and frequent transactions will cause the handling fees to accumulate, and eventually the funds will be gradually lost in the continuous transactions.

Experts: They take a completely different strategy. They will set a clear investment goal and firmly invest in a certain currency. They don't pay too much attention to the matter of currency speculation, and can even be said to be "absent-minded". Occasionally, they will check the investment situation when they think of it, but they will not be easily shaken after buying it. No matter how the market fluctuates, they will remain calm and unmoved. This strategy enables them to avoid the high handling fees brought by frequent transactions and may obtain stable returns in the long run.


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