When playing in the currency circle, you must have the thinking cognition that the strong will always be strong.

Don't listen to rumors and believe them, have your own judgment and stand firm

Many people think that some coins have low market value, and they have the potential to increase by 100 times and 1,000 times. This kind of coin dealers are gone, the project parties are not doing anything, and the projects do not have the ability to make continuous profits. Even if there are hot money to pull the market, it is to cut leeks. If there are no newbies, they will be killed by the knife. Once they can't pull it or there are not many people following, the dealer will end the battle.

Seize every opportunity to fall, strong coins will rise, and the big cake will fall every time it falls, and then rebound strongly, or it will not fall much, and stabilize the rebound.

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