ROSE: The Oasis Network Token

The token $ROSE is the native cryptocurrency of Oasis Network, a third-generation blockchain focused on privacy and scalability.

Features of the ROSE Token

Payment of Transaction Fees

ROSE is used to pay transaction fees on the Oasis network. This ensures fast and efficient operations, essential for a high-performance network.

Staking and Securing

ROSE holders can participate in staking to secure the network. By staking their tokens, they help validate transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain, receiving ROSE rewards in return.


ROSE holders participate in the governance of Oasis Network. They vote on proposals affecting the development and management of the network, allowing active participation of the community in its evolution.

Advantages of $ROSE

Privacy and Security

Oasis Network uses secure enclaves to protect user data. This enables confidential execution of smart contracts, ensuring that sensitive data remains private.


Using a parallel architecture, Oasis Network can process many transactions simultaneously, providing superior scalability. This reduces costs and increases transaction speed.

Dynamic Ecosystem

Oasis Network attracts many developers and projects, creating a thriving ecosystem. dApps developed on Oasis benefit from privacy and scalability features, offering innovative solutions.


The token $ROSE is central to the operation of Oasis Network, a blockchain focused on privacy, security and scalability. Through staking, payment of transaction fees and governance, ROSE holders play a crucial role. Oasis Network and the ROSE token are major players in the evolution of blockchains.
