If you just entered the cryptocurrency circle, knowing these three points has already surpassed many people!

1. Don't trade frequently

If you are still watching the market frequently, worrying about the price, and can't sleep at night, then you are probably not investing, but gambling. This method will not only not have ideal results, but will also seriously affect your life and mental health. Real investment requires a calm mindset and long-term planning, rather than short-term speculation and impulsive trading.

2. Do what you can and accumulate experience

The cryptocurrency circle may be the world with the most routines. Don't invest a large amount of money before you have enough experience. Use money that you can afford to lose to play with coins, so that your mentality will not be unbalanced. Strictly follow the plan, use a small amount of money without additional funds to take risks and be harvested, and gain experience in the cryptocurrency circle routines. This is the most cost-effective way to spend money to buy experience. First, understand the market and various operating skills through small investments, and then consider larger investments after accumulating experience.

3. Diversified income channels

The cryptocurrency circle is not the only way to make money by speculating in coins. There are too many ways to explore, such as participating in early investment in projects, mining, participating in decentralized finance (DeFi), understanding and using blockchain technology, etc. Returns are always proportional to investment. I hope you and I can seize this wave of dividends, find a way to make money that suits us, and make full use of various opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle.


People who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle are often prone to making mistakes due to lack of experience. Understanding the above three points can help you better avoid risks, accumulate valuable experience, and find the most suitable way to make money for yourself, so that you can be invincible in the cryptocurrency circle.