$NOT Technical Analysis and Summary Commentary

📊 **Price Movements and Indicators**

- **Price:** It reached 0.019450 with an increase of 10.81%.

- **Bollinger Bands:** The price is in the upper band, which supports the uptrend.

- **MACD:** In the positive zone, there is upside potential.

- **Stochastic RSI:** At 60 levels, the upside potential continues.

- **OBV:** Rising, volume supported increase.

📉 **Margin Data**

- **Margin Borrowing Increase:** 15.67%, increased investor interest.

- **Long-Short Positions Ratio:** 67.73, optimistic market.

- **Isolated Margin Borrowing Rate:** 2.48, position is opened with more debt.

💸 **Money Flow**

- **Last 24 Hours Money Inflow:** 412.01 M USD, positive flow.

- **Major Entries in Last 5 Days:** -2,578.64 M USD, profit realization.

🔮 **Price Estimate**

- **Short Term Forecast:** Current technical data shows that $NOT USDT may rise to the range of 0.021 - 0.022 USD in the next few days. However, minor corrections are also possible.

💬 $NOT Comment:

Investors are bullish with increased margin borrowing and long positions. OBV increase indicates volume-supported rise. However, it is important to monitor the profit realizations of large investors.

🚨 This analysis is based on market data and should be reviewed according to changing conditions.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #NOT🚀 #NOTCOİN #Notcion