If you want to trade in cryptocurrencies, you should treat yourself as a scumbag!

Don’t have any feelings for any altcoins. Buy them when they are cheap, and run away after buying them. Don’t pay attention to any news about this coin in the future.

The flowering period of altcoins is limited. The newer and tenderer, the better. New altcoins are like 18-year-old girls, so tender that you can squeeze out water.

Old altcoins are like older leftover women. Not only are the betrothal gifts extremely high, but they are also picky. People with weak financial strength simply can’t afford them.

As a scumbag

Try to find some newer altcoins that have not been bought before.

If you are afraid of pregnancy (being stuck), try to choose a safe period. The best safe period is the Bitcoin halving cycle. At this time, the risk is the lowest and the experience is the best!

When you have enough experience and your skills are getting better and better, you can start with white, rich and beautiful women.

White, rich and beautiful women are beautiful pie and ether. The unique skills we have learned are to win white, rich and beautiful women and reach the peak of life!

Only the real white, rich and beautiful (big cake, ether) are worthy of our companionship for life!

If you take the initiative to find me, my strategy password. Spot contracts are shared free of charge with fans.

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