Many young girls don't understand one thing at all: how many people are chasing you is not important at all, and it's not worth mentioning. The most important thing is how many people have given you resources.

Beauty is worthless if it can't be cashed in.

I only realized it when I was older.

The same goes for boyfriends.

Of course, life can't always be on the upper hand. Many times, it's okay to have a boyfriend without losing money.

Many girls are cheated of money and sex by men. . . Many girls hurt their bodies for men. . . In fact, you win if you can guarantee that you don't lose your vitality.

Of course, only high-end players can gain benefits.

I can't do it! I was fooled. At least I don't play tank, don't give casual sex, and I don't have money. . .

If you use sweet words to trick you into being c, play tricks, and don't wear a raincoat, I will say: no, no, no.

Many people chase you and show off, that's because you are young!

You are 40, 50, 60 years old, and there are still young boys in their twenties and thirties serving you and accompanying you, that's what you should show off, right? #非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 $BNB $USDC $BTC