Odaily Planet Daily News Loopring released an update on the X platform regarding the previous security incident: "We are working with SlowMist and some other security experts and related institutions to continue investigating the attack on the smart wallet. Loopring will release more information to the community soon. Security and user protection remain Loopring's top priority." Yesterday, some Loopring smart wallets were attacked by security vulnerabilities. The attack took advantage of a wallet with only one guardian, specifically the Loopring official guardian. The hacker initiated the recovery process, impersonating the wallet owner to reset ownership and withdraw assets. The attack successfully hacked into Loopring's 2FA service, allowing the hacker to impersonate the wallet owner and obtain recovery approval from the official guardian. The attacker then transferred the assets out of the affected wallet. Loopring said it is currently actively working with Mist security experts to determine how its 2FA service was hacked. In order to protect users, operations related to Guardian and 2FA have been suspended. Loopring is working with law enforcement and professional security teams to track down the perpetrators.