The secrets of the survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle! Mastering these rules will allow you to be at ease in the cryptocurrency circle and avoid stepping on mines.

First, don't be easily deceived by low-priced chips. Be firm in your beliefs and prevent the dealer from knocking and smashing the market.

Secondly, chasing ups and downs and entering and exiting with full positions are taboos. Building positions in batches when the price falls is lower risk, lower cost, and more profitable than chasing ups.

In addition, reasonably allocate profits and maximize the release of funds. Don't keep adding positions. If the price rises sharply, sell the capital, and if the price falls sharply, keep the currency. The mentality should be positive, not speculative, not impetuous, not greedy, and not afraid.

In the cryptocurrency circle, building positions and shipping should be divided into layers and segments, and the price should gradually open up the segments to effectively control the ratio of risk and profit.

Be familiar with the linkage effect, play the currency to see the market, and pay attention to the trends of other currencies.

The warehouse allocation should be reasonable, the configuration of hot coins and value coins should be balanced, and pay attention to the ratio of pressure resistance and profit intake.

Finally, having coins on the market, money in the account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. You can't go all in, or you will die.

Master these survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle, and you will be able to navigate the cryptocurrency circle with ease. $BTC $ETH