$ORDI 🍕 $PIZZA Macro Valuation Institutional Analysis🍕

1. BRC20 is a major innovative development in the development of Bitcoin ecology over the past decade. Binance’s listing of $ordi, $sats, etc. is a strong proof, attracting full participation from global crypto asset traders. At present, there are not too many dividends, and BRC20 token assets will be sought or issued by themselves.

2. The market value of the BRC20 track will account for 10-30% of the market value of BTC. When BTC reaches 100,000 US dollars, the total market value of BTC is 2.1 trillion US dollars, and the corresponding total market value of the BRC20 track is 210 billion to 630 billion US dollars, or even higher.

3. All BRC20 tokens are memes, but among the hundreds of thousands of BRC20 tokens, only pizza $pizza has the lineage of Bitcoin, represents the origin of Bitcoin consensus, and is unique. When Bitcoin was able to price and reach consensus, pizza’s contribution was indelible and became the biggest meme in the entire crypto industry. Every year on May 22, people celebrate Pizza Day to commemorate the contribution of pizza $pizza to Bitcoin. This is also the only thing that can be globally agreed upon. There is no situation where one side plays east and the other side plays west.

4. Pizza $pizza is issued on the most secure BTC public chain and is forever bound to BTC. Pizza $pizza has great commemorative and collection value and will become a collectible and souvenir. It is a valuable coin. There are only 21 million of them. In the currency circle, there is no other extreme target like pizza-brc20 except Bitcoin. It will allow people around the world to understand the brand value of consensus pizza $pizza and become a star asset on the underlying public chain of Bitcoin, truly turning Bitcoin from a single asset into an asset collection. This has long-term significance.

5. The entire BRC20 token can be divided into four levels: (1) Bitcoin native tokens represented by pizza $pizza, including $sats. (2) Functional tokens, including $ordi, are the first in technology. They have a certain value space, but are limited by their own application scope and have value bottlenecks. (3) Community tokens, etc. (4) Other tokens.

6. It is estimated that the market value of pizza $pizza will account for 10% of the entire BRC20 track market value, with a reasonable value of 21 billion to 63 billion US dollars, corresponding to 1,000 to 3,000 US dollars for each $pizza.

7. Some people even suggest that BTC is digital gold and $pizza is digital cash.

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