$NOT Compared with yesterday, the outflow of funds has begun to accelerate, and this wave of short trend has been formed. Lao Deng's strategy opening price yesterday felt too high, and he didn't get this wave of shorts, but Lao Deng's idea of ​​opening orders was still right. The trend of BTC and ETH was relatively stable over the weekend, so there was no need to open orders, so we could only play with this kind of altcoin.

The next idea is to see if this wave of NOT short orders will fall below 0.0170951? After all, a large number of retracement orders bought a large number of long orders at this position. If it can fall below this position today, then this wave of shorts will not turn back, and we can be assured to short. There is another situation where NOT falls quickly and then pulls back immediately. In this case, we have to wait and see. The market that goes up and down quickly is generally a wash of longs and shorts. We retail investors can't hold this kind of market. Lao Deng likes the market where the trend is formed, step-by-step decline or step-by-step rise, which will not have too many variables. Now we see that the K-line will soon fall to the stop-profit position mentioned by Lao Deng. Although Lao Deng’s order has not been opened, it does not delay Lao Deng’s analysis of the market. If you want to make a profit, you must watch the market, keep an eye on the data, and understand the latest news.

Please pay a little attention to friends who like to watch Lao Deng’s analysis. Lao Deng will publish his own strategic views every day. Like it 👍🏻!

#热门话题 #NOT还会上涨吗 #NOT🔥🔥🔥