Golden Finance reported that according to the monitoring of on-chain analyst Ember, the Orbit Chain hacker transferred 4,000 ETH to a new address in the last hour, and then transferred these ETH through Tornado cash. Orbit Chain was hacked on 1/1 and assets (stablecoins/WBTC/ETH) worth $81.5 million at the time were stolen. Then the hacker exchanged some stablecoins and WBTC for 17,250 ETH at an average price of $2,301. Finally, 26,750 ETH and 20 million DAI were stored in 8 wallets and did not start to move until 1 hour ago, because the hacker exchanged most of the stolen assets for ETH, and ETH has increased significantly compared to the beginning of the year. These 26,750 ETH have increased in value by $37.45 million compared to when they were stolen.