
#TopCoinsJune2024 #BNB #Cripto #EducaciónFinanciera

🔥🔥🔥🔥Yesterday there was a big fall in the Cryptocurrency market, you will wonder how safe it is to maintain my investment when the majority is in the red. Well, that depends on the Game you want to Play. If you are new to this game, it is important that you set a level of where you want to lose. Obviously no one likes to lose, but have you ever wondered how much you are willing to lose to win? However, there is an important point here. If you bought the currency you bought at a lower level, you are still at a level where your initial investment has not been touched, so your initial capital is not at risk, but if your initial capital has already been affected by that loss, then you have already started to lose.

🔥🔥🔥🔥 It is at this point where you must say if you withdraw or continue playing, and if you continue playing until how much are you willing to let go.🔥🔥🔥

🚨🚨Because once you have touched your initial capital, it will take you longer to recover your investment.🚨🚨.

In the Money Game You Have to Play with Strategy. If you don't have a strategy and you don't know how to make one, then this Game is not for you. And it is likely to throw you pure losses.

Obviously the Great Majority has read or heard about those who get rich with a small investment. But you have to analyze it.

From yesterday until now many coins are in Red

$BTC $ETH $DOGE and as a sample here I leave you 3. There are those who would be taking advantage of the decline in the market to get more Crypto like me for example.

But how are you Playing the great Game of Money?

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