The current rising trend is weak. Will the main force of the market adjust its strategy? What is the possibility of future rise?

Although NOT has not yet fallen below the key support level, the overall market sentiment is slightly negative, the trading volume has decreased, and the price has continued to decline slightly, showing a wave-like downward trend. In this case, the market seems to need a callback to readjust the rhythm and accumulate new upward momentum through a short break.

Today's huge drop may cause a short-term panic and stampede effect in the market, but this is also part of the market's self-adjustment. It is expected that the price of NOT will return to the support level of 0.0192 to seek stability. For investors, this is both a challenge and an opportunity.

For friends outside the market, now may be a good time to enter the market. When the price pulls back to the support level, you can pay attention to the market's reaction and subsequent trends, and make decisions based on your investment strategy and risk tolerance. However, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. Before making any investment decisions, be sure to fully study the market situation and consider your own risk tolerance.

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