How do bankers control the market? (Applicable to cryptocurrency and stock market)

In the cryptocurrency circle, bankers (big funds, main players) use a series of methods to control the market to achieve their expected profit goals.

1. Fund-raising stage

1. Suppressing the position: After the preliminary work is ready, some coins have fallen sharply after a long period of time. The main players intervene to buy a small amount of chips to create panic and prompt retail investors to hand over their chips at a low price.

2. Horizontal position-building method: The price of the coin has been hovering at a low level for a long time. Every opportunity of the market rebound is used to suppress it, causing the coin to fall faster, retail investors to panic sell, and the main players can gradually eat up the goods.

3. Pulling up the position: This is suitable for new coins that have been listed for a short time and have extremely dispersed chips. The main players start to raise the price of the coin at the bottom to attract the attention of retail investors, and wait until the price of the coin rises to a certain height to start oscillating and absorbing chips.

2. Washing stage

1. Control the washing area: In order to get rid of the follow-up market, usually a rapid decline is created to make the coin holders feel scared and sell their chips, so as to achieve the purpose of washing the market.

2. Oscillating wash: mainly through long-term horizontal fluctuations to achieve the purpose of washing, inducing followers to sell.

III. Pull-up stage

1. Rapid pull-up: After the main force has completed the accumulation of funds, when there are market rumors to boost, the main force will choose to quickly pull up the price of the currency, so that retail investors can buy at high prices.

2. Slow climbing and pulling up: When the market is calm, the main force will choose to slowly climb and gradually push up the price of the currency to avoid excessively attracting the attention of retail investors.

IV. Shipping stage

1. There is a rapid pull-up and the shareholders' profit is in the short term: the currency price rises rapidly, many holders have obtained higher returns in the short term, and retail investors begin to take profits.

2. The currency price accelerates and fluctuates greatly: the currency price rises rapidly over a period of time and is accompanied by large fluctuations. The dealer will choose to distribute chips at high levels.

3. The main force ships when the market is unstable: the market fluctuates greatly, the main force will take the opportunity to sell chips, and retail investors choose to exit due to uncertainty