#$FIL Ah, what's going on? Many loyal believers of fil are shouting orders again in An'an Square today?

I once made 100,000 RMB on fil. I love and hate this coin. I love it because it made me earn money, and I hate it because the project owner is lazy. I don't even bother to mention it. The four cores of blockchain are consensus, computing, contract, and storage. Bitcoin is the leader in consensus, Ethereum is the leader in contract, and TRON is the leader in computing. But there has never been a leader in storage. Many people have high expectations for fil. Originally, fil had the opportunity to become the leader in the field, but after looking at the coin price and the actions of the project owner, fil still has to wait to become the leader.

Why are there so many people shouting orders in the square suddenly? The reason is that the Bollinger Bands are about to open. For a long time, it is no secret that the group of fil people have repeatedly harvested at 2-15 US dollars. Those who play the band can follow. I personally think that the probability of being trapped below 10 dollars is not high, because there are a large number of high-level trapped people on it, which will be the biggest guarantee for the safety of your funds. If they want to get out of the trap, they either admit defeat and cut their losses completely or continue to increase their positions to spread the cost.

This post is too realistic. It is my personal analysis. If you don't like it, please don't criticize me ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )

#内容挖矿 #FILUSDT #FIL.24小时交易策略