Empower every community to launch their own top-level Web3 domain

In the fast-paced world of Web3, where innovation knows no bounds, the SPACE ID community is at the forefront, leading the charge towards a revolutionary way of navigating the decentralized landscape. Our guiding vision is focused on building a global domain name network and achieving this goal requires a strategic approach.

The launch of SPACE ID 2.0 Upgrade represents our first step toward this vision: a one-stop identity platform for discovering, registering, transacting, and managing Web3 domains. Within 6 months, SPACE ID 2.0 accumulated over 1.1 million registered domains and achieved a transaction volume of ~$10 million.

With the foundation laid, how do we BUILD further?

Today, we are pleased to introduce SPACE ID 3.0, a Permissionless domain name service protocol for all Web3 communities. This important upgrade not only brings us closer to our ultimate vision, but also introduces significant improvements to our platform and governance structure. Join us as we explore the possibilities and potential that SPACE ID 3.0 opens up for the future of Web3 communities.

Vision of SPACE ID 3.0

At the core of the 3.0 upgrade lies a powerful vision — to establish a common name service that transcends Web3 communities. SPACE ID successfully launched .bnb Name Service, brought .arb Name Service into the ecosystem, and co-launched .sei Name Service with Sei Network not long ago. However, we firmly believe that each community should have its own custom Top Level Domain (TLD), giving them full control over their domain namespace and building their user base. loyalty by providing community members with unique brand identities.

In addition to simplifying the complexity of traditional cryptocurrency wallet addresses, these domain services have the potential to empower the community on many levels:

_ By enhancing digital identity, domains become a true expression of community connection. _ Customizable domain parameters for specific needs, including maturity, pricing, settlement functionality, record registration, metadata, and more, encouraging innovative use cases. _ Strengthen the community's unique brand identity in the digital realm.

With great enthusiasm, we encourage everyone to use their creativity and explore the limitless potential of Web3 domains, creating stronger and more vibrant communities. Together, we will build a future that embraces decentralization and connectivity, and SPACE ID 3.0 will make this a reality.

Platform innovation

To serve the SPACE ID 3.0 vision, the upgrade will be equipped with a series of new features to the existing platform, to help the community launch their own name services and speed up the registration experience. The platform upgrade includes the following attributes:

_ Create a top-level domain with a few clicks

_ Modules hit the market fully packaged

_ Access the relevant domain NFT Marketplace

_ Domain management and resolution API services are available

_ Ability to include SDK in SPACE ID Web3 name for instant integration with 200+ partners

2. Web3 Name SDK: Our core product has never been more powerful! It will simplify the integration of verified Web3 domains with a single, comprehensive SDK, streamlining the process for communities once and for all.

3. Domain Control Panel: Seamlessly manage and leverage domains to stay engaged with the community through our intuitive control panel, providing a user-friendly experience for admins and leadership community religion.

Empowering the Web3 domain ecosystem with decentralized governance To pursue the goal of promoting a more open Web3 domain ecosystem, while ensuring orderly growth and resolving potential conflicts ( e.g. domain conflicts), DAOs will take center stage in SPACE ID 3.0 governance, along with:

_Added governance powers and responsibilities for $ID token holders, including determining the legitimacy of Top Level Domains and required verification standards

_ Staking $ID tokens to use the SPACE ID 3.0 protocol and engine

_ Additional revenue to the DAO fund from protocol fees charged on Top Level Domains launched on SPACE ID 3.0

Governance principles will be further developed and discussed with the community. More details to come.

SPACE ID 3.0 launch partner

Finally, we are excited to announce that our esteemed launch partners will join SPACE ID 3.0, leveraging our innovative platform to launch their respective domain name services. Among them are Sei, Injective, ZetaChain, PancakeSwap, KuCoin Community Chain, Gnosis Chain, Opside and other related partnership details to be announced. With our expertise and commitment to building a stronger community, we are confident that this collective effort will reshape Web3 and take SPACE ID to the next level.

The SPACE ID 3.0 upgrade will be gradually rolled out in phases over the next few weeks. If you are interested in launching a Top Level Domain for your community, please fill out the waitlist form: https://forms.gle/6XedZFUy6zaFi1nn9.

About Space ID:

SPACE ID is building a global name service network with a one-stop identity platform for discovering, registering, trading, managing web3 domains. It also includes the Web3 Name SDK & API for developers across blockchains and provides a multi-chain name service for anyone to easily build and create web3 identities.