Major financial institutions would buy digital currencies in the event of a collapse in the price of hard currencies such as the dollar and the euro, in order for the institutions to protect their capital, so the price of the digital currency would rise due to the decline in the price of the dollar or the euro, and the price of the digital currency would rise further due to the demand of major institutions to buy digital currencies. But this time, with the collapse of many famous hard currencies, the digital currency market burned as well... The economic data is frightening and indicates a commercial stagnation and with it a shortage in transactions that need to be paid in digital currencies... But the blow was caused by a loss of confidence in... Binance, after the tampering with the BNB market that took place a few days ago, led to an abnormal and deceptive rise in the currency... People lost confidence in Binance because the major traders were lost and the beginners were lured, and today the beginners who were lured were destroyed.