At 0:06 in the evening of June 8, #BOME大金狗 followed the decline of the market and stepped back on the evening of June 7. As scheduled, the pin stepped back to the rising and falling dividing line of 0.012838, and quickly pulled back to the four-hour ema120 line. The top is near 0.0130! The closing pattern of $BOME closed out the hourly level hammer pattern at 20:00! This retracement did not step on the lifeline near 0.012686 as expected, indicating that the actual operation of the bulls is still significant with the power of multiple parties, and it may continue to fall tomorrow Probe the position of the 0.012838 dividing line! Whether retail investors are bargain-hunting or large investors are collecting funds, they are undoubtedly preparing for the launch of Bome’s public chain at 4:20 am on June 9th!

At present, we have some advance good information. The Bome public chain will open at 4:20 on June 9. The advance analysis of this good news is as follows: #bome潜力无限 will be burned as a circulation fee on the chain, which means that the number of Bome will be affected by transactions starting from June 9. Burning due to volume! Sharp deflation due to burning! There will be continuous deflation! According to the current trading volume of secondary exchanges and primary markets, this positive expectation is expected to have a better and more favorable follow-up after this 69th node day. Good project narrative has positive effects! #BOME🔥🔥🔥

#bome已出圈 I think that on June 9th, a small trend will emerge and a favorable line pattern will emerge. Subsequent bookmakers and main players may also cooperate to make more beautiful lines. All K-line patterns will steadily intensify in line with the positive effects of this project!

This good news is not something that can be realized. There is no shortage of air forces looking for opportunities to short its new highs again. However, the birth of this public chain has the greatest possibility of sublimating the value of BOME through a long-term deflationary effect! Through a period of project timeliness, and The subsequent completion of the public chain and the continuous introduction of new projects into the public chain may increase the value of Bome to a peak!

Don't be impatient in the car. Is this a scam or a real benefit? We'll wait and see!

Step into place and stand up naturally! The battle between long and short is intensifying, be cautious about contracts! No worries about spot prices!

In the short term, today and tomorrow are bullish!

The mid- to long-term value is bullish!

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