The price of Pepe Coin (Pepecoin-PEPE) rose 3.5% today to 0.00001461$ , with the total value of the crypto sector recording a smaller gain of 0.7% over the last 24 hours. While PEPE currency trading witnessed a degree of calm over the past week, its value has now stabilized at an increase of 4% compared to its price two weeks ago and at a rate of 78% compared to its level 30 days ago, so that the currency, which is ranked 23rd according to the ranking of digital currencies in terms of market capitalization, recorded huge gains of 100%. 1,300% during the last 12 months.

These high rates of rise in the PEPE currency put one of the whales (the major players in the sector) in the ranks of millionaires after his gains from it amounted to approximately 4.82 million dollars currently, due to his possession of 365.96 billion of them at a cost of 494,000$ 6 months ago. While selling such a massive amount could bring down PEPE's price slightly, its current standing among the major players in the sector could make it possible for its value to rise again enough to offset its potential losses.
