🌐 Released now:

💠 America - 🇺🇸

🚫 Private sector employment report (NFP)

▪️ Previous: 175K

▪️ Estimate: 182K

▫️ Current: 272K

👈 Result: Strongly positive for the US dollar

💠 America - 🇺🇸

🚫 Average hourly wages

▪️ Previous: 0.2%

▪️ Estimate: 0.3%

▫️ Current: 0.4%

👈 Result: Positive for the US dollar

💠 America - 🇺🇸

🚫 Unemployment rate

▪️ Previous: 3.9%

▪️ Estimate: 3.9%

▫️ Current: 4.0%

👈 Result: negative for the US dollar



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