NOT's explosive growth

Yesterday, NOT's 24-hour trading volume reached an astonishing $4.6 billion, ranking fourth in the entire network after Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT. The coin price once soared to $0.024, and the market value exceeded $2.2 billion, ranking 52nd in the world. At the same time, it also topped the Coinmarketcap hot coin list.

As a meme coin without any technical background, NOT's success is inseparable from its two "fathers": Telegram and Binance. When NOT was launched and joined Binance's Launchpad, many people were surprised. Such an unknown "Dog coin" can actually be favored by Binance, a giant in the crypto industry?

NOT has an unusual relationship with TON. Many members of the NOT team are top talents of the TON Foundation and are very familiar with each other. This is also one of the reasons why NOT can develop rapidly in the TON ecosystem.

In the first half of this year, Solana has been leading the Meme coin market. And some other public chains have also begun to realize the development needs of Meme coins, such as Base and TON.

Previously, the TON chain basically had no Meme ecosystem. And NOT, with 30 million users, just fills the gap in the TON Meme ecosystem.

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