Is the Pizza inscription a conspiracy by the banker?

It has been laid for a long time and invested a lot. Is the Pizza inscription a conspiracy of Unisat?

The Pizza inscription was minted on March 31, but the public only became familiar with it around May 20. "It has been operating for such a long time. There must be promoters behind it. No matter whether it is traders or project parties, everyone comes to the cryptocurrency circle to make money, not to do charity." Xiao Zhi said.

In addition, according to Pan Pan, the founder of the BRC20 Chinese community, on social media, the cost of Pizza's airdrop is about 2 million US dollars.

This amount far exceeds the cost of the rune stone's airdrop, and it has also become the basis for some users to support "Pizza is behind the banker's game".

Many people believe that Sats, the former second-largest Bitcoin ecosystem, has the support of the Unisat team. With their participation, even when Ordi was firmly in the first place in the market, Sats was still able to stir up some waves. Many Sats community members even challenged Ordi directly, saying that Sats was the first-largest Bitcoin ecosystem.

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