Lista stablecoin is launched on Binance! What is the market prospect?

The second half of the bull market is the world of copycats, and everyone will see a sea of ​​joy!

The strong and hot tracks in the market will be repeatedly hyped by bull market funds, so continue to sit tight and support them!

Let me briefly explain the reasons why I am optimistic about Lista from several perspectives!

1. From the perspective of narrative

Trillion-dollar track + core narrative of bull market + BNB ecosystem has not yet rotated + future pledge data expectations.

2. From the perspective of the lista project:

1. As the leader of the centralized stablecoin track on BNB, Lista has been expanding its business scope recently, and its TVL has grown rapidly.

2. The dual-mode engine of stablecoin lending and staking has created a very solid moat in the BNB ecosystem from the perspective of business form

3. Lista's three core businesses: (1) stablecoin lending mechanism, (2) liquidity pledge (3) innovative collateral, which are described in detail in the figure.

4. The application and empowerment of Lista tokens are also applied around these three business mechanisms. In terms of token value capture, we expect more plans.

5. In February, Lista's TVL was still at the tens of millions of US dollars level. Since the launch of the airdrop mission activity + Binance, the TVL has exceeded 500 million US dollars, and the market heat is increasing.

3. From an investment perspective:

1. It is an important core narrative of the bull market

2. BNB's recent very strong upward trend will inevitably drive the attention and development of the ecosystem. In this round of bull market, funds have not yet been hyped.

3. As the leader of the centralized stablecoin track on BNB, Lista uses the dual-turbo capacity of stablecoin lending and liquidity pledge, and it is very likely to explode first.

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