The 18.1% deposit interest rate recently offered by Hong Kong has attracted a large number of mainland people, leading to reports that more than 20,000 mainlanders went to Hong Kong overnight to queue up to deposit money. This phenomenon is not difficult to understand. After all, the interest rate of the same amount of money deposited in Hong Kong banks is 7 times higher than that in the mainland, which is undoubtedly very attractive.

At present, as long as the annual income of an individual reaches 2.5 million, he can directly apply for Hong Kong identity. Education and professional background are not restrictions. This undoubtedly provides a fast track for those who want to obtain Hong Kong identity.

Wang Zhiwen once said a profound line: "This world has two sets of rules that run in parallel. The first set is what we learned in school since childhood, including moral norms such as benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and trustworthiness, gentleness, courtesy, frugality, and modesty. This is our capital for integrating into society and the basis for our conduct. If you don't understand these, you may be considered uneducated and difficult to be recognized and accepted by others.

However, there is another set of rules hidden beneath the surface. It cannot be directly stated and requires us to understand it with our hearts. The core of this set of rules is interests. In this complex and changing world, interests are often an important factor driving people's behavior and an indispensable part of interpersonal relationships."

The society we live in has both clear moral codes and potential, interest-based rules of interaction. Understanding and adapting to these two sets of rules will help us better gain a foothold and develop in this world.

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