🔸C2C deposit and withdrawal tutorial, nanny-level tutorial for beginners to prevent card freezing.

📌I believe that many partners often encounter two situations when depositing and withdrawing funds.

1. The other party requested to check the transaction records but found that they did not meet the requirements and requested to cancel the request.

2. After the withdrawal, the card is frozen or in non-bank status.

🎈First of all, currently almost all C2C merchants require that the user's funds must be deposited on the card for more than 7 days before accepting payment from the buyer.

(This is currently an unwritten rule).

If you know that your funds have not been deposited for more than 7 days, do not choose to use a bank card for purchase.

Because basically no merchant will accept your payment request, you will end up canceling 3 C2C transactions a day, making it impossible to make purchases within the day.

📌Merchant screening;

After clicking C2C on the homepage, you can see Figure 1. After entering the C2C page, you can choose the purchase amount and payment method according to your needs. As mentioned above, if your funds have not been deposited for more than 7 days, it is recommended to use WeChat or Taobao for payment.

📌We can see there is a shield logo in the picture

SHIELD merchants are more protective merchants. If your card is frozen when you withdraw money, they will directly make a partial advance payment.

Here I will explain the rules, that is, if Zhang San's withdrawal of 50,000 yuan is frozen, if he withdraws the money through the SHIELD merchant, he will be compensated 10%, which is 5,000 yuan.

What this means is that after you unfreeze the funds, the 50,000 is still yours, and the 5,000 is compensation similar to mental damages.

🎈Choose a deposit merchant

When depositing money, pay attention to the establishment time and monthly transaction orders of each merchant. Of course, this is the same as buying things on Taobao or JD.com. Usually, we will look at the ones with the highest sales volume and the longest establishment time.

📌For deposit, I personally think that you can just find an ordinary merchant. SHIELD merchants have certain costs for entry and compensation, so when purchasing, the price will also increase to a certain extent.


🔸C2C withdrawal tutorial for beginners

🎈Key factors for withdrawal

First, as shown in the figure below, add your own payment method, which can be WeChat, Taobao, or card.

After adding, as mentioned above, there is a certain possibility that SHIELD merchants will pay compensation and the entry threshold is high, and the prices of deposits and withdrawals will fluctuate to a certain extent.

📌When many newbies withdraw money, they always choose the merchant with the highest bid. Here I will give you the simplest example.

What you give him is USDT, but the money he gives you at a high price is likely to be from a certain Ponzi scheme or funds of unknown origin. In order to quickly exchange these funds of unknown origin into USDT, they will purchase USDT from users at a price far higher than the market price.

Therefore, when withdrawing money, no matter whether you choose an ordinary merchant or a SHIELD merchant, you should first look at the purchase price difference, and then select merchants with a longer settlement time and more transaction orders to conduct withdrawal transactions.

🎈If it is a larger amount of funds, there are also large merchants on C2C who can meet your withdrawal needs.

If the amount of money is small, I personally recommend using Taobao or WeChat to receive payment instead of using a bank card.

🎈If you use a bank card to receive payment, you must require the merchant to pay with his/her real name. That is, if the merchant's registered information is Zhang San, you must require the merchant's payee to also correspond to Zhang San. Don't easily believe that the merchant uses the method of relatives and friends to pay you.

📌When withdrawing funds, you can look at Figure 2, the upper right corner, and filter, sort by the highest success rate, or sort by the largest order volume.

🎈You can also go to the C2C homepage to watch the learning video.

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