Wall Street is back!

Bitcoin ETF has set the longest continuous inflow record in history, reaching 18 consecutive days of net growth. It is only a matter of time before Bitcoin breaks through the previous high! Maybe you will never see 60,000 Bitcoins again next month!

However, we still have to pay attention to the US unemployment rate data tonight. Higher than expected is positive, lower than expected is negative, because the cooling of the job market will help suppress inflation.

The current expectation is the same as the previous value.

The employment data is lower than expected for positive, higher than expected for negative, and currently it is a default small negative. The currency circle and US stocks began to turn from rising to falling yesterday.

However, I think there is a high probability of an upset. After all, the small non-farm employment data a few days ago was an unexpected decline, so the large non-farm employment also has a high probability of an upset and turning to positive.

Everyone remember to pay attention tonight, and hope everything goes well!