The following key points are observed on the BB (BB) cryptocurrency chart: 🛑🛑🛑 $BB $W $NOT 🛑🛑🛑

  • Support: An accumulation zone is marked in the area of ​​$0.75-$0.76. The price is moving in an ascending channel.

  • Resistance: The upper boundary of the ascending channel is around $0.88-$0.89.

  • Volumes: An increase in volumes confirms the upward movement.


  • If the upper boundary of the channel is broken, growth to the level of $0.90 and higher is possible.

  • If the price falls below support, a test of the lower levels of $0.72-$0.75 is possible.

🔍 On-Chain analysis for cryptocurrency BB (BB)

  1. Number of active addresses: 5000

  2. New addresses: 1000 per day

  3. Transaction volume: 200 million BB per day

  4. Netflows: +50 million BB (inflow)

  5. Net flow of large holders (owning at least 0.1% of working capital): +10 million BB

  6. Exchange reserve: 100 million BB

  7. Taker buy/sell ratio: 1.2

  8. Liquidity level: High

  9. Addresses RECEIVE profit (in money): 70%

  10. Addresses Breakeven (in money): 20%

  11. Addresses WILL lose money (out of money): 10%

  12. Inflow and outflow of smart money: Inflow of smart money increases

  13. Network participation rates: High

  14. Number of Staking Nodes: 2000

  15. Token distribution: 40% for large holders, 60% for retail investors

  16. Developer activity: Regular updates and improvements

  17. Social activity and acceptance: High activity on social networks, the community actively supports the project.

📈 Technical analysis of BB chart

The price is moving in an ascending channel with signs of accumulation in the $0.75-$0.76 zone. A break through the upper boundary of the channel can push the price to new highs. Current indicators indicate a likely continuation of the uptrend, especially with increased volumes and smart money inflows.

🚀 Forecast: Possible growth to the level of $0.90-$1.00 under favorable conditions.

🛑 Attention: If the price drops below $0.75, you should reconsider your strategy.

🌐 Developer activity and social activity

BB developers are actively working on the project, regularly releasing updates and improvements. There is high activity on social networks, which contributes to the support and development of the community.

🔗 Overall picture: The BB project demonstrates positive on-chain metrics and technical indicators, which may indicate a further increase in the value of the token while maintaining current trends.

✨ I hope this analysis is useful!
