Analysis of BTC and ETH market on June 7:

Today’s highlights

BTC: 1-hour and 4-hour levels are very healthy, the daily level remains healthy, the overall trend remains healthy, the daily level clearly shows bullish signals, the upper resistance is 72000-72500, the lower support is 69500-70000, the probability of continued rise today is relatively high, and it is ready for subsequent outbreaks

ETH: 1-hour and 4-hour indicators remain healthy, the daily level is healthy again, and ETH will be the market leader in June after the positive impact, and it still needs to organize its police force during the day, and pay attention to the stabilization of the breakthrough of 3850-3900. The lower support is 3700-3730, and the upper resistance is 3850-3950. The probability of rising today is greater, breaking through the key resistance level, and preparing for subsequent rises