The market maker of $IO launched by Bi'an this time is DWFLabs☕

What is DWF Labs?

DWFLabs is a Web3 investment company founded in June 2022. It claims to be one of the world's leading cryptocurrency market makers, but it has indeed become quite famous in the past two years.

Why market makers intervene

Usually, the main responsibility of market makers is to solve the liquidity of the market. If the market for trading pairs is thick enough, they will not actively make markets. The style of DWF is that the price of the project currency that makes the market often shows relatively large volatility.

The feature of large volatility has been criticized by many people. Maybe many people still have the intuitive impression that DWF is too profitable. After all, high volatility means that there will always be people who make money and lose money. But this feature has become precious in the current environment.

You want to see a bunch of markets that are extremely healthy, but the price does not move for ten days or half a month, and the market is as flat as the horizon.

Or can it increase six times in three days, and the transaction volume sometimes even exceeds BTC. There are people snoring in the group, discussing whether they have made money or missed the market?

Take a look at the recent performance of several DWF projects:

$NOT (6 times in 3 days)

$FLOKI (3 times in 3 days)

$TON (2.5 -> 7.5)

$API3 (2.18 ->3.44)

Just this coin price performance can explain why DWF's reputation in the retail market is reversed now. This is better than those MMs who do nothing and use the excuse of not manipulating the market as a shield to lie flat.

It is not difficult to predict that more and more high-quality projects will choose to cooperate with DWF in the future. Perhaps the next Floki password will come from there.

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