Let's talk about a few long-term layouts. XAI and NOT's rise have shown us the potential of the game track. As one of the projects in the ARB ecosystem and one of the IEO projects on BN, I am still optimistic about XAI.

WLD, this actually does not need too much introduction. It is the absolute leader of the AI ​​sector. The market heat has always existed. Under the background of Nvidia's continuous new highs, it is only a matter of time to rise. Considering that most of the tokens have not been released, I personally recommend band operation!

Finally, I would like to mention the ADA project. In the case that Ethereum, SOL and BNB, which are the top few in market value, have been hyped, as the varieties with the highest market value, ADA and AVAX are the objects that can be focused on!

In addition, DYDX has recently said that there is a favorable release. In fact, I have participated in this project in the early stage of its launch. Overall, compared with the previous historical highs, it is currently halved by 90%. It is only a matter of time to rise. In the decentralized trading track, it is also one of the value tokens! GMX has risen, and DYDX should not be far away!

The most important thing today is of course to pay attention to the non-agricultural data from the United States at 8:30 tonight, which may become a node for the recent market change! According to what I said yesterday, the rise before the data is released is an opportunity to ship, and the decline is the opportunity to buy the bottom! Now it seems that the market has chosen to fall first, so there is a high probability that it will rise after the data is released! Whether it is rising or falling, I personally think that the release of the Federal Reserve data next week is the key among the keys. Therefore, before the release of the Federal Reserve data next week, I personally think that both the decline and the rise are good opportunities for swing trading! Before the trend market comes! What we need to do is to get more principal, and at the same time make the cost of the chips we hold as low as possible!

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