The dream of getting rich by speculating in cryptocurrencies was shattered! He was defrauded of 80,000 yuan (from

At the end of April this year, Mr. Ren met Xu at a friend's dinner. After exchanging contact information, the two frequently communicated on mobile chat software.

In the past week of casual chats, Xu frequently revealed that he had friends who were doing virtual currency trading abroad, and that high profits and high returns were very profitable. He also sent photos of bundled cash. When Mr. Ren showed signs of interest, Xu took the opportunity to invite him to participate.

Until mid-May, Mr. Ren, on the recommendation of Xu, transferred money to the WeChat account named "百善孝为先" several times to buy virtual currency, totaling 81,980 yuan.

After long-term transfers but no returns, Mr. Ren gradually became suspicious and began to ask Xu about the relevant situation of virtual currency. However, Xu always made excuses and shirked his responsibilities. Mr. Ren realized that he was defrauded. After contacting Xu himself, he called the police.

After understanding the situation, the police summoned Xu to the police station for investigation.

After questioning, Xu confessed to the illegal act of using virtual currency investment to commit fraud, and explained that the WeChat account named "百善孝为先" was used by himself, and the funds obtained from the fraud were all used for personal daily consumption.

At present, Xu has been criminally detained according to law, and the case is being further handled.