Thursday, short-term runaway moment, two consecutive shots all ✓! Lao Gu Shipan's summary and Friday morning thoughts!

The sun always comes after the rain, although the process is difficult, as long as the ending is good, it doesn't matter. Yesterday, both long and short positions were given. At noon, the long position near 71000 won 500 points, and the short position near 71500 at midnight won 👇1000 points in the short term! The daily order volume is not large, and we will achieve another success today.

From a technical point of view, after a few days of rise at the beginning of the week, the daily line has been rising at the bottom, confirming the basis for the rise, and temporarily stopped at around 71800. After the midnight adjustment, it fell back to around the 70000 mark. It is a normal adjustment and has not changed the strength. Therefore, continue to go long according to the bullish trend. Then, go long at the key position after the decline during the day. The current support that can be paid attention to is around 70000, and then pay attention to around 69500.

Friday morning operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement to 70000-70500 area is bullish, look at 71500-72000, after the rebound is confirmed, consider shorting!

Ether: Just follow the same thinking, hold the position well, and take good defense!

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