#bnb历史新高 #MegadropLista Use a ruler to measure whether it is 10cm. Let me say it again, in this round of bull market, bnb will be and will eventually become the most beautiful boy. Its comprehensive value exceeds 100% of the coins. If you don't understand thousands of coins, the only way is to take the coin you understand. There are too many coins in the market, from blockchain 1. 0 to blockchain 4.0, and professional counterparts are all confused by the project. You don't understand the hammer, you don't understand, you have to chase it randomly, and in the end, a bull market has nothing to do with you. So listen to some old leeks, and just win more than 95% of investors steadily. Don't make a little money today and show your order, and don't be ashamed to show it tomorrow when your position is blown up.