PEPE currency analysis

1. **PEPE (Pepe)**

- Price: ¥0.00010788 ($0.00001489)

- Increase: +2.13%

- Total market value: ¥8.565 billion

2. **PEPE (pepesolana)**

- Price: ¥0.202131 ($0.0279005)

- Increase: +7.87%

- Total market value: ¥2.2244 million

3. **PEPE (PEPE 0x69...)**

- Price: ¥0.00000022 ($0.00000003)

- Increase: +0.01%

- Total market value: ¥1.4082 million

### Trading pair analysis

1. **PEPE/USDT (Binance)**

- Price: ¥0.00010793 ($0.0000149)

- Increase: +2.12%

- Market value: ¥2.448 billion

2. **PEPE/TRY (Binance)**

- Price: ¥0.00010801 ($0.00048055)

- Increase: +1.85%

- Market value: ¥146 million

3. **PEPE/USDT (OKX)**

- Price: ¥0.00010731 ($0.00001481)

- Increase: +1.52%

- Market value: ¥554 million

#Dataanalysis conclusion

1. **Price fluctuation**:

- The prices of different PEPE currencies and trading pairs are different and fluctuate greatly. PEPEDRC has the highest price of ¥0.237379, while PEPE 0x69... has the lowest price of ¥0.00000022.

2. **Difference in growth**:

- pepesolana has the highest growth of +7.87%, while PEPE(SOL) has the lowest growth of -3.81%. This reflects the difference in performance of different PEPE coins in the market.

3. **Market capitalization**:

- PEPE (Pepe) and PEPE/USDT (Binance) have the highest market capitalizations of ¥8.565 billion and ¥2.448 billion, respectively, showing the popularity and high liquidity of these two coins in the market.

1. **Focus on major coins and trading pairs**:

- Due to the high market capitalization and liquidity of PEPE (Pepe) and PEPE/USDT (Binance), investors are advised to focus mainly on these two coins and trading pairs to obtain higher liquidity and lower transaction costs.

2. **Take advantage of the difference in growth**:

- Investors can take advantage of the difference in growth between different PEPE coins and trading pairs for arbitrage, but be aware of market volatility and transaction costs.

3. **Stay vigilant**:

- Although some PEPE currencies have performed well, market volatility and policy risks still exist. Investors should remain vigilant and adjust their investment strategies in a timely manner.