What is the mentality of girls using WeChat Nearby People?

I have been using Nearby People since the second half of last year. I have added 70 to 80 women, and there are 30 to 40 women who can meet with me. I have actually met more than 20 women.

Most of these women are over 30 years old, and there are only a few under 20 years old. Without exception, the 20-year-old girls asked me to borrow money after chatting for a few words. Of course, I can't lend money to them because I have been cheated many times. There are various reasons, including recharging phone bills, buying school uniforms for younger brothers, and buying milk tea...

There are two kinds of mentality of women in their 30s and 40s playing Nearby People:

One: bored, with a narrow social circle. This kind of woman is usually over 40 years old. You can see her in the list of Nearby People every day, but you just can't flirt with her to meet.

Two: There is a need, and it is urgent. This kind of woman is usually single, or has a bad relationship with her husband and has been separated for a long time. She is looking for "potential objects" among the Nearby People. Those who understand the quotation marks will understand.

Here comes the point. When you meet the second type of woman, and you also like young women in their thirties, you can immediately and boldly invite them out for dinner and shopping. As for what you want to do after these things are done, I can't control it.

Note that you must not be afraid of being rejected when inviting, this is unnecessary, and I can tell you for sure: women who can come out to meet love to play, so the bolder you are, the more she likes you...

Another dark side is to meet the so-called honey trap or wine, store, KTV, public bar and the like. Anyway, your pocket is cleaner than your face, so it's probably not worth it.

So if you want to embrace white, rich and beautiful women, the easiest way is to make yourself rich, come to the currency circle, maybe this will be a thing that changes your destiny.