A few months ago, @LineaBuild did the People's Alliance inscription. I noticed that Linea was inscribed on @ParticleNtwrk's intentional modular network, which can unite hundreds of Linea ecosystems to use Particle's particle network. This guy may have some strength.

In April, @ParticleNtwrk announced that it had completed a strategic financing round. The strategic round is an important signal for my personal investment research system. According to historical experience, when a project completes strategic financing, it means that it is an exchange of interests, and it may not be far from TGE.

Yesterday, the official launched a points activity, where you can get $PARTI through interaction. The airdrop should be coming soon.

🔹Interaction steps

  1. Log in to the official website


Click JOIN NOW in the upper right corner

It is recommended to use OKX wallet or UniSat, Bybit wallet to log in to the website, there is a 150% bonus on points

Click Accept

  1. Connect to Twitter, follow the official account, join Discord, and click Activate

  1. Do the following 4 testnet tasks

A Follow OKX official account to get 1000 PARTI points

B Sign in daily and get 100 PARTI points each time

C Deposit at least 1 USDG to get 200 PARTI points

D uses gas to interact on the particle test network and gets 50 points each time

  1. Booster NFTs can be minted to unlock points rewards (optional)

Note: To interact in the test network, you need to have Optimism Sepolia test water. The official address for receiving it is as follows


New accounts are not eligible to receive the bonus. It is recommended to use the old account to receive the bonus and transfer it directly to the Particle Network AA account.

Path: In TASK 2, click DEPOSIT ==> Select Deposit through an External Wallet at the bottom

Note: This guide is for airdrop hunters who don’t spend money on testnet.

Note: I personally think $W and $PYTH have the opportunity to rise in the main wave recently.

This is only a personal investment record and is not intended as investment advice for others.

End of article
