Girls who are burdened with online loans are even worse off than boys.

Online loans have been so developed in recent years that you can borrow tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of online loans with just a flick of your finger. There are many girls, even those from middle-class families, who have less pocket money because their parents are strict, and they want to buy things, so they borrow money to consume, and then they are miserable.

Feilong has seen a girl who was a mistress and then a mistress because she had an online loan of more than 300,000 yuan.

On the Internet, we seem to feel that 300,000 yuan is nothing, and many people earn more than 300,000 yuan a year, but in reality, for most ordinary people, a loan of 300,000 yuan on the Internet basically means the end.

The interest rate of this girl's online loan is 18%, and the interest alone is more than 60,000 yuan a year, and the online loans are all one-year loans, which means that she has to pay back tens of thousands of yuan every month.

She is just an ordinary college girl, with a monthly income of only more than 6,000 yuan. She has no ability to pay back the money. Later, she had no choice but to tell her family, so she found a rich uncle and asked him to help her pay back the online loan. This uncle was also very cunning. He deliberately only paid back part of it, not all at once, so that the girl was always in a situation of borrowing and repaying. Once she broke up with him, she couldn't pay back the online loan.

At first, this rich old man hid it and said that he was divorced. Later, he didn't hide it directly, saying that he was married and not divorced. Then the girl knew it at this time, but she couldn't do anything. She still needed the old man to help her pay back the online loan. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #StartInvestingInCrypto #第55期新币挖矿IO #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #MegadropLista $USDC $NOT $SOL