Ten years later, when your little grandson asks you curiously: "Grandpa, did you really buy that Bitcoin that only costs more than 60,000 yuan?" You smile and nod, pat his little head and say: "Of course, baby. At that time, our family was not so rich, but Grandpa's decision made us live a good life now." You begin to fall into memories, as if you have returned to those exciting days. "I remember that at that time, there was a person called Sniper in the currency circle. He always told us with great enthusiasm that Bitcoin would rise to one million US dollars in the future. At first, everyone thought he was crazy, but Grandpa chose to believe him." Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes, but there was a smile on the corners of your mouth. "That day, I took out all the savings in my family and bought those bitcoins that were ridiculed by others. I was panicked at the time, but grandpa knew that life is about having the courage to try and to make choices." You stopped the car, pointed to the Bugatti outside the window and said, "Look, this is the result of grandpa's choice back then. Although the process was full of uncertainty, grandpa did not hesitate or give up. So, baby, you have to remember that choices are important, but more importantly, you have to have the courage to make choices and don't be afraid of failure." Your little grandson nodded, not quite understanding, but your words were already deeply imprinted in his heart.