On June 6, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, posted on social media that Bitcoin will reach $350,000 by August 25, 2024, which is not a lie. This is a prediction. It's a guess, an opinion, but not a lie. This is a deceptive bait, but it's not a lie, because any prediction about the future is not a lie. I hope that $350,000 Bitcoin will become a fact, and I hope it's true.... But it's just a prediction. I believe that Bitcoin will reach $350,000 sometime in 2024, but this is just a goal, a dream and a wish. I have been buying more Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana because their prices will definitely continue to rise. Why am I so confident? Is it because I am sure about Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana? My answer is no. What I am sure of is the incompetence of our lingdao President Biden, Treasury Secretary Yellin and Federal Reserve Chairman Powell. These three people are the 3-Stooges in real life, and I am sure that I am confident in their incompetence. Be careful. Buy more gold, silver, Bitcoin, Solana and Ethereum. Protect yourself from the 3-Stooges. $BTC #BTC走势分析 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #CCG合约量化机器人 #CCR现货机器人 $ETH $BNB